Quality Certifications that complete the service

Tamburini Srl’s production facilities are backed up by a Metrology Lab that tests all gauges, tools and measuring systems that are manufactured. This testing allows to verify fundamental product characteristics such as average diameter, external diameter, core diameter, threading pitch and angle, and assesses the quality of the finishes.

Test reports and Declarations of Conformity

Upon request the Laboratory issues relative Test Reports and/or a Declaration of Conformity according to the intended gauge usage.

Periodical calibration of customer-owned gauges

Our laboratory testing services are also available to our customers for periodical calibration of their gauges. Accompanying test reports are issued for each calibrated gauge.

Periodical calibration of gauges is important as it is fundamental for Quality Certification and an essential step of metrology testing procedures which gauges and measuring tools must undergo periodically.

Laboratorio metrologico

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